Come to know the intimate heart of your Loving Savior
Have you ever wondered why you exist?
Have you ever pondered the reason you were born? Maybe you’ve asked yourself, “What is my purpose for being here?”
You do have a purpose, a God-given reason for being here. Knowing Jesus will help you discover it! You’ll see that your life has meaning. It’s worth living. In fact, you have a divine destiny!
This book will show you how to successfully achieve your relationship with Him. Once that happens, everything in your live will turn around. Victory and success will be at your fingertips!
God is calling you to come closer to him. As you surrender your heart to the Lord, your life will be blessed beyond your greatest expectations. You will come to know a peace and contentment beyond description. Your heart will be filled with joy – the joy of the Lord! You can begin today!
Dr. Ruth Beckman
About the Author
Ruth Beckman, PhD, founder of River of Grace Ministries (RGM) – a ministry that has served the hungry and homeless of Tampa Bay since 1977. Serving with respect and dignity in the same location for more than 31 years, RGM had a unique purpose in the downtown Tampa community. Ruth’s mission has always been to rescue, rebuild and restore the lives of people who are hurting the most with the goal of returning as many people to self-sufficiency as possible. While at RGM, Ruth helped to serve over 2,500 meals weekly; shelter 40 individuals each night; and was open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. RGM also provided showers, toiletries, blankets, Bibles, reading glasses, gently used clothes, and other basic items. In addition, RGM prepared and served Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner for hundreds of families in their community every year. All this was accomplished because her heart was purposed to serve the Lord Jesus Christ!

Purchase ‘Knowing Jesus’

When you spend time in this workbook, amazing things will happen. You will come to know the intimate heart of your loving Savior Jesus Christ. Knowing Jesus is designed to help you develop your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Every Christian has this desire – to know Him personally. This is deeply planted in your heart the moment you are saved.
Everything will come together in your life once you have developed this important relationship. In addition, other areas of your life will grow and develop in positive, successful ways.
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